Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Indesign Manual

Could you kindly forward your university’s manual on Indesign that you shared with us during the last days of the training for the benefit of our CoP.   Would appreciate any other higher learning institution's manual on Indesign as well.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

How to locate relevant OER

We are closely following innovations around OER based academic or open learning practices. Thanks to the Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) Project which has not only gently initiated us into OER but has also driven capacity building activities at institutional level. Please find A Basic Guide to OER (2015)
Notable references as follows:

Reflection points for us:
1. How helpful is the guide to you in locating resources that are relevant to your course?
2. Which resources are you now better able to locate with the help of the guide?

Resource: Handbook on In-house Style for Course Development
We have re-purposed the Handbook to be responsive to our professional development needs.

  • Which of your professional development needs are adequately addressed in the Handbook?
  • Which gaps can you identify in the Handbook?

Friday, March 17, 2017


Welcome to this reflection space, now that we are at a happy ending point and we are ushered into new beginnings. Please find slides on Evaluation

Open Educational Resources

We've learnt that open educational resources open up access to education.  I have a question on how to use OERs:

Making use of multiple OERs published under different CC licences, under which CC licence should my modified material be published?

How can we use OERs published under different licence in one OER resource?

OER Copyright and Licensing Toolkit: A guide for higher education institutions interested in creating and using open educational resources

  • Part 2 deals with Creative Commons Licences and makes reference to a licence compatibility wizard to assist in providing guidance for the most suitable licence to be used because not all licences are compatible with one another. 

We love UNAM

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sample Course Design for Basic Computer User Skills (Partially completed)

Dear All
Please find attached our team's almost final product of our Blended Learning course design. We have applied all the new design techniques and OERs we have been learning about during the Instructional Designer's Workshop facilitated by the well informed and experienced Nokuthula Vilakati from the University of Swaziland.

Locating Open Educational Resources

Locating relevant resources which include Open Educational Resources (OER)  very early in the design of a BL course is encouraged. Most OER have been through rigorous quality enhancement cycles which makes them to be of good quality. They help educators not to invent already existing wheels. Open Textbooks are a good starting point in particular for university educators and their students. See examples of Open Textbook Network and Multimedia MERLOT OER sites by also clicking on the two images below:
 Open Textbook Network
Multimedia OER can be accessed at:
Find a presentation on an Introduction to OER 

Getting started

The 7Cs of Learning Design Toolkit 

I hope this will help you with your toolkit.


M-learning or mobile learning is defined as "learning across multiple contexts, through social and content interactions, using personal electronic devices." A form of distance education, m-learners use mobile device educational technology at their time convenience. Wikiwand

Do you know your own device? 

Use your camera and sound/voice recorder
  1. Photo: Take at least 1 photo of an interesting feature in the vicinity of the venue. Give it an appropriate name 
  2. Video: Take a 1min video of any action around you – you may comment while taking the video. Name the video
  3. Audio: Do a 1 – 2 min interview with a colleague about why they are here. Name the audio clip
How to name your file:  Andriod phone
  1. Locate the file explorer on your device – make sure that you can find the previous three resources created. 
  2. Click on the folder - audio, Images and video
  3. Select your file
  4. Click More (top right corner of screen)
  5. Select rename.
Share the resources with somebody – anybody - anyhow. e.g. WhatsApp

Mobile Apps
Kahoot - game-based blended learning platform.
QR Reader - 
PowerDirector - see example video created with this app 

Search on the app store for a few apps that you can use and share it with the group
  1. Go to the play store 
  2. Click on categories 
  3. Then click on education  
  4. Select the app you think will be relevant in your context, e.g. Merlott Search, Khan Academy, Learn Computer in 30 days, Math tricks, Anatomy4D, etc.
Happy exploring👌

Do not allow yourself to be ill!


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A hat for each occassion

When designing for effective blended learning to enable 21st century learning, it helps to approach such a task by creating a constructive alignment table. According to Biggs, this simply means that our choice of learning outcomes, pedagogic or T&L approach and assessment must be aligned. See an example below:
(Kennedy, 2017. Clarity in the curriculum: Using Constructive Alignment to improve your module)

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Reflections on blended learning designs for enabling 21st century learning

Here is a resource for our reference purposes as we engage with Blended Learning Design issues, themes and debates.

An overarching question: How should we approach the redesign of our courses for 21st century learning purposes?

Collaborate or die

Welcome to this forum in which we share resources that will form part of our Blended Learning Design Toolkit, as an evolving Community of Practice (CoP). Our social contract is to pool together our knowledge, skills and abilities to build and foster a budding community of inquiry. We attach value to teamwork and towards the creation of synergy, in line with our African adage, 'I am because we are, and therefore we are because I am'